Log No. 36 - Kiswahili
How do I log in No. 35 already indicated, I was the guest of Pension Biggi Berchtold ( https: / / www.xing.com / profile / Brigitte_Berchtold , http://www.gedankenschatz.de/ ) in Munich.
The arrival was already filled with the birthday party that evening at Biggi.
went the next day's it and it started in bright sunshine and nice warm temperatures, the interview carried out directly on the spacious terrace.
The challenge that I asked myself and what I found during the night at times mused in a coma, was the following:
I am Rhein countries with the typical sing-song in the voice and easy loans from the former occupiers of Cologne, the French-inspired Genuschel. Someone from the high North once said to me on the phone that I would speak German very well for a Frenchman. So much for me and the misunderstanding by the public understanding.
Now to Biggi. Never before have I ever known such a fast talking Bavarian gelernt.Durch individual and a great-Pflanzerl Munich, she texted me constantly in a language I would have thought more on Sirius than anywhere on earth.
I did not want to ask after every sentence that she had just told me now, I often simply nodded in token of my alleged understanding, hoping that she has since informed me just a little less important.
the receipt for my socially polite Behavior however, was followed on foot. was because it was legitimate belief that I now know the Fronius, the Lisa, the Loiselle and associated stories and keep them apart. Not at all.
Sun Biggi doubt at some point of their perception forth fully entitled to the functionality of my long-term memory. So I took it before the interview up her courage and revealed to her that I understood only about 10% of what they would have been communicated in its Munich dialect.
And I included a small request to it, to have mercy with me, seeeeehr vieeeel laaaaangsaaaaamer to talk to me from time to time and at least one German in the language understandable Word to intersperse.
Biggi nodded eagerly and got ready for an interview. It was certainly not just the very hot morning sun to blame, that I was already published schwitzte.Dann violently Biggi, gleaming like the morning dew, I smiled sweetly and nodded. I was able to begin the interview.
My first question was asked and I now expect an immediate surge Bavarian Sätze.Doch nothing came. She smiled sweetly at me still, her head tilted to one side and then began to speak: very slowly and almost unaccented High German. I flew in amazement almost the headphone plug from the ears.
And what they had to say. Highly concentrated and very much feeling which is the end with tears quietly rolling increased, she gave me one of the most moving interviews I was able to record so far.
When the interview was over, she stood up from his chair and asked me something in her staccato Urbayrisch. I nodded automatically, although I understood nothing.
disappeared then she came back and with a pot of coffee.
When it comes to coffee, which is offered me, I understand intuitively obvious all the languages of the world - maybe even Swahili.
your Wolfgang
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
log 35 - log
While we have today the 24.09.2009, but I'll be using this log on a journey back to Tuesday, the company 08.09.2009, the beginning of my interview tour Munich.
So I drove from Hohenfels first time directly to Munich City near the Isar Gate. There I received already https on the street in front of the TV studio "Nightfrog" Thomas Schmelzer ( : / / www.xing.com / profile / Thomas_Schmelzer , http://www.thomasschmelzer.de / ), owner of Talk Web TV and Mystica-TV.
He had intended me for a ten-minute program, to be broadcast on the Internet (including on YouTube) and on German television to interviewen.Wer knows me will guess now that the limit of my important message to just 10 minutes is your cup of tea.
When I come only once in travel may slow me anything. So it came as great auch.Bevor Thomas could ask further questions about the movie project and my work life as a spiritual adviser, was already at the time. As for Thomas as a moderator, what I had to say, seems to be so exciting, he decided abruptly, cutting off yet another 10-minute episode.
For me, the whole thing was a pleasure - well, just to have the feeling of standing in front of the camera, as my many interviewees also love to be questioned by me.
After the shoot we went then to a nearby cafe called "Keep the change "(Tipping seems therefore to his program) and we chatted more about this and that and Thomas offered me his many TV and celebrity contacts and his experience as a writer, editor and director to work on the film according to professional, so It is also a success.
At the same time my planned book edition of the anthology film as he was quite covered, as have his opinion in principle to sell anthologies are very bad. He recommended instead a book with my entire experience on healing spirit and offered to write on as a co-author.
what my future book with the wonderful and unique stories of my many friends and friends-healers regards as an anthology, I am here, however, completely disagree and strongly believe that the book "The Healer" is a huge success.
His proposals will of course be carefully considered whether they fit the following to my approach and my intuition, and so we agreed for the next day another meeting in Munich.
After meeting Thomas Schmelzer I then went on to Brigitte (Biggi) Berchthold ( https: / / www.xing.com / profile / Brigitte_Berchtold ) in a leafy suburb of Munich, close to the "Wiesn" . There I was warmly welcomed at the same time and in the large circle of friends Integrated, because Biggi celebrated her birthday that day with good friends.
Biggi's hospitality went even further, because I was the next day when you are a guest and stay in their rooms. About the interview with Biggi in the next blog I will go into more detail. Your
While we have today the 24.09.2009, but I'll be using this log on a journey back to Tuesday, the company 08.09.2009, the beginning of my interview tour Munich.
So I drove from Hohenfels first time directly to Munich City near the Isar Gate. There I received already https on the street in front of the TV studio "Nightfrog" Thomas Schmelzer ( : / / www.xing.com / profile / Thomas_Schmelzer , http://www.thomasschmelzer.de / ), owner of Talk Web TV and Mystica-TV.
He had intended me for a ten-minute program, to be broadcast on the Internet (including on YouTube) and on German television to interviewen.Wer knows me will guess now that the limit of my important message to just 10 minutes is your cup of tea.
When I come only once in travel may slow me anything. So it came as great auch.Bevor Thomas could ask further questions about the movie project and my work life as a spiritual adviser, was already at the time. As for Thomas as a moderator, what I had to say, seems to be so exciting, he decided abruptly, cutting off yet another 10-minute episode.
For me, the whole thing was a pleasure - well, just to have the feeling of standing in front of the camera, as my many interviewees also love to be questioned by me.
After the shoot we went then to a nearby cafe called "Keep the change "(Tipping seems therefore to his program) and we chatted more about this and that and Thomas offered me his many TV and celebrity contacts and his experience as a writer, editor and director to work on the film according to professional, so It is also a success.
At the same time my planned book edition of the anthology film as he was quite covered, as have his opinion in principle to sell anthologies are very bad. He recommended instead a book with my entire experience on healing spirit and offered to write on as a co-author.
what my future book with the wonderful and unique stories of my many friends and friends-healers regards as an anthology, I am here, however, completely disagree and strongly believe that the book "The Healer" is a huge success.
His proposals will of course be carefully considered whether they fit the following to my approach and my intuition, and so we agreed for the next day another meeting in Munich.
After meeting Thomas Schmelzer I then went on to Brigitte (Biggi) Berchthold ( https: / / www.xing.com / profile / Brigitte_Berchtold ) in a leafy suburb of Munich, close to the "Wiesn" . There I was warmly welcomed at the same time and in the large circle of friends Integrated, because Biggi celebrated her birthday that day with good friends.
Biggi's hospitality went even further, because I was the next day when you are a guest and stay in their rooms. About the interview with Biggi in the next blog I will go into more detail. Your
Gropebreasts On Train
Mystica 34 - Another short as
I know, I know, nor do I have any of the interviewees in my Munich Tour portraitiert.Einige are quite impatient.
Sorry - it will be provided in sequence as quickly as possible, but that was a week after the tour here with so much work peppered that I really have not for writing kam.Und tomorrow morning, Wednesday, I have already set off at 06.00 clock to ND Walsch workshop in Kisslegg. For
at 08.00 clock is already inlet and yes I will sit as far forward as possible - you know: I am hard of hearing and nearsighted
;-) If I should see what the evening time (no promises), then I will probably be a or write another report on the grand tour of Munich.
Otherwise - send me your endless positive energy that I get a short interview with Walsh out for the film - and not with my existing knowledge of English.
I'll keep tightly.
I know, I know, nor do I have any of the interviewees in my Munich Tour portraitiert.Einige are quite impatient.
Sorry - it will be provided in sequence as quickly as possible, but that was a week after the tour here with so much work peppered that I really have not for writing kam.Und tomorrow morning, Wednesday, I have already set off at 06.00 clock to ND Walsch workshop in Kisslegg. For
at 08.00 clock is already inlet and yes I will sit as far forward as possible - you know: I am hard of hearing and nearsighted
;-) If I should see what the evening time (no promises), then I will probably be a or write another report on the grand tour of Munich.
Otherwise - send me your endless positive energy that I get a short interview with Walsh out for the film - and not with my existing knowledge of English.
I'll keep tightly.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Basic Problems With Jet Skis
log 33 - log standings
Saturday, 12/09/2009:
Now I use one opportunity for a first summary.
I'm still up on 15.09.2009 in the Munich area and the move would provide valuable, unique and charming film healers have to know and should. Your "Story's" cut to a sometimes outright.
is always a great sadness to feel about the fact that the immediate environment, ie, neighbors, colleagues, friends, relatives, even his own family, their life partners such wonderful work face as a healer with great skepticism and rejection.
They are therefore in a permanent conflict with the great desire for personal, spiritual development and the alleged compulsion to adapt is always müssen.Es easy to say that one needs only to come into its own power and will consistently live what is calling.
If the neighbors go to the other side of the road when it is whispered that she was a witch, when your own husband holds his wife for a spinner and "Eso-aunt" when friends break away and new friends, adjust only very slowly, if one learns that a client is ashamed to say they would have been in the healer and it is therefore not recommended - this is already doing weh.Leicht can now already (supposedly) very much on the spiritual path are such commonplaces of the be like, "Everything is resonant - Then is not the person so far, they love each other not enough, then it runs through their thinking and acting precisely these things in her life - and - and - and ".
"said Easier than done" - "Even so, an article of faith", now some will exclaim. Right! All true. But - we are not all on the way somehow? Why else are we here on this planet? Why else would we play "be a man" of this great game of life called?
We all learn here to remind us who we really are - divine, pure Liebe.Wenn any of the other recognizes itself as a universal love, knowing that we are all One , then it will also stop judging others, because then you realize that you are self-condemned.
Back to my intermediate level in terms of healer movie.
Next: The date, some 25 interviews have been completed, another 25 to follow. About 50 hours of footage so far are met. Munich after my tour I will be mid / late September for 5 days at Neal Donald Walsch in Kisslegg.
late September / early October interviews in Lake Constance, from mid October for several days in the mountains Ammergau to Dr. Ruediger Dahlke, who will be in the film as represented in the book with a preface.
end of October, then start my tour again North Rhine-Westphalia and then further north to Osnabrück, where I will perform together with my book editor of Sandra Ipolyi (healer and bowls-trainer), a joint three-day weekend seminar ("sound and magic of wealth").
is 30.10.2009, it will also give a first-XING spirit healer meeting in Osnabrück.
I will invite because of the enormous expenditure of time, the interviewees from the far north (eg from Hamburg) to Osnabrück to the interview together won a participant who was waiting very impatiently for my coming to Hamburg, state at once disappointed had they I have to accommodate something their willingness abgesagt.Es interview was their decision and so I could release it. However, they do not, for it was then in some emails personally offensive.
But I am "enlightened" and so I could let the allegations bounce off in my direction with divine love in me.
have for the colder winter season, I then made, starting with the first rough cut of the film together.
The film earned is then likely to be in the spring of 2010. Sincerely
am your wolf
Saturday, 12/09/2009:
Now I use one opportunity for a first summary.
I'm still up on 15.09.2009 in the Munich area and the move would provide valuable, unique and charming film healers have to know and should. Your "Story's" cut to a sometimes outright.
is always a great sadness to feel about the fact that the immediate environment, ie, neighbors, colleagues, friends, relatives, even his own family, their life partners such wonderful work face as a healer with great skepticism and rejection.
They are therefore in a permanent conflict with the great desire for personal, spiritual development and the alleged compulsion to adapt is always müssen.Es easy to say that one needs only to come into its own power and will consistently live what is calling.
If the neighbors go to the other side of the road when it is whispered that she was a witch, when your own husband holds his wife for a spinner and "Eso-aunt" when friends break away and new friends, adjust only very slowly, if one learns that a client is ashamed to say they would have been in the healer and it is therefore not recommended - this is already doing weh.Leicht can now already (supposedly) very much on the spiritual path are such commonplaces of the be like, "Everything is resonant - Then is not the person so far, they love each other not enough, then it runs through their thinking and acting precisely these things in her life - and - and - and ".
"said Easier than done" - "Even so, an article of faith", now some will exclaim. Right! All true. But - we are not all on the way somehow? Why else are we here on this planet? Why else would we play "be a man" of this great game of life called?
We all learn here to remind us who we really are - divine, pure Liebe.Wenn any of the other recognizes itself as a universal love, knowing that we are all One , then it will also stop judging others, because then you realize that you are self-condemned.
Back to my intermediate level in terms of healer movie.
Next: The date, some 25 interviews have been completed, another 25 to follow. About 50 hours of footage so far are met. Munich after my tour I will be mid / late September for 5 days at Neal Donald Walsch in Kisslegg.
late September / early October interviews in Lake Constance, from mid October for several days in the mountains Ammergau to Dr. Ruediger Dahlke, who will be in the film as represented in the book with a preface.
end of October, then start my tour again North Rhine-Westphalia and then further north to Osnabrück, where I will perform together with my book editor of Sandra Ipolyi (healer and bowls-trainer), a joint three-day weekend seminar ("sound and magic of wealth").
is 30.10.2009, it will also give a first-XING spirit healer meeting in Osnabrück.
I will invite because of the enormous expenditure of time, the interviewees from the far north (eg from Hamburg) to Osnabrück to the interview together won a participant who was waiting very impatiently for my coming to Hamburg, state at once disappointed had they I have to accommodate something their willingness abgesagt.Es interview was their decision and so I could release it. However, they do not, for it was then in some emails personally offensive.
But I am "enlightened" and so I could let the allegations bounce off in my direction with divine love in me.
have for the colder winter season, I then made, starting with the first rough cut of the film together.
The film earned is then likely to be in the spring of 2010. Sincerely
am your wolf
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What Does A Governoe Spring Look Like?
No 32 - Once energetic treatment please ...
Since 08/31/2009 I alone on-tour interview. At the very beginning of my interview tour, I still thought that I was not at the same time can conduct an interview and operate the camera properly. But the man is known to learn.
My wife, who accompanied me so far and took care of the interviews and the interviewees to a gentle inimitable way, is now introducing their own workshops to November 2009 (hula dance training) through in her studio at Lake Constance. Me, however, is more intense with inspiration and tips to the side.
It was then alone on 01/09/2009 (https : / / www.xing.com / profile / DiedrichWilhelm_Carstens ) to Diedrich W. Carstens to 86850 Fischach Interview.In to a very old property in a romantic valley on the edge of a chaotic glorified farming village with a dark, medieval past, I received a nice cuddly healer type.
I had him already can personally welcome you to our XING group meeting at the lake so we were not fremdelten.Zugleich me his two dogs meet joyfully and in the course of the day I was able to meet even the rest of the animal extended family: two horses, some cats and some exotic catfish in the aquarium, which were equally committed as a background decoration for the interview.
Before we could start the interview, however, stormed into the rest of the human extended family: 3 small children and his wife.
A quick hello, then it went into the kitchen and the phrase, "Diedrich, once energetic treatment, please!"
One of the children had been stung by a wasp and had only now treated werden.Und times but by the whole family is the best healer-spirit style.
gave all pure energy in the injured arm and the child stopped crying and the swelling was visible immediately nach.Was an experience - a whole troop healer was gathered that the energetic healing itself naturally practiced.
Diedrich told me then that all children are "supernatural" and endowed it all probably already constitutes the children of the new age. No wonder, with the dad - and: His wife is also very sympathetic healer, but it deals mainly with the animals, especially horses.
Diedrich told me the extraordinary story of their encounter. Diedrich had wished for in a trance brought his wife right in detail. 14 days, he learned it "by chance" to know and the optical line for him was more than amazing. At the same time she had felt at the time the intense urge to stay at a certain time at a particular location.
Well - and so they have time between three exceptional Had children.
And if they are not dead - they are still alive today, would you be most inclined to quit is the best fairy tale narrative style this blog.
The interview itself was accompanied by the spiritual world, by Diedrich also equal to a very important message sent to the camera.
According to Diedrich then has celebrated long after I leave the whole family, with its luminous essence a party into the night.
Thanks, Diedrich, that you and your family are.
My wife, who accompanied me so far and took care of the interviews and the interviewees to a gentle inimitable way, is now introducing their own workshops to November 2009 (hula dance training) through in her studio at Lake Constance. Me, however, is more intense with inspiration and tips to the side.
It was then alone on 01/09/2009 (https : / / www.xing.com / profile / DiedrichWilhelm_Carstens ) to Diedrich W. Carstens to 86850 Fischach Interview.In to a very old property in a romantic valley on the edge of a chaotic glorified farming village with a dark, medieval past, I received a nice cuddly healer type.
I had him already can personally welcome you to our XING group meeting at the lake so we were not fremdelten.Zugleich me his two dogs meet joyfully and in the course of the day I was able to meet even the rest of the animal extended family: two horses, some cats and some exotic catfish in the aquarium, which were equally committed as a background decoration for the interview.
Before we could start the interview, however, stormed into the rest of the human extended family: 3 small children and his wife.
A quick hello, then it went into the kitchen and the phrase, "Diedrich, once energetic treatment, please!"
One of the children had been stung by a wasp and had only now treated werden.Und times but by the whole family is the best healer-spirit style.
gave all pure energy in the injured arm and the child stopped crying and the swelling was visible immediately nach.Was an experience - a whole troop healer was gathered that the energetic healing itself naturally practiced.
Diedrich told me then that all children are "supernatural" and endowed it all probably already constitutes the children of the new age. No wonder, with the dad - and: His wife is also very sympathetic healer, but it deals mainly with the animals, especially horses.
Diedrich told me the extraordinary story of their encounter. Diedrich had wished for in a trance brought his wife right in detail. 14 days, he learned it "by chance" to know and the optical line for him was more than amazing. At the same time she had felt at the time the intense urge to stay at a certain time at a particular location.
Well - and so they have time between three exceptional Had children.
And if they are not dead - they are still alive today, would you be most inclined to quit is the best fairy tale narrative style this blog.
The interview itself was accompanied by the spiritual world, by Diedrich also equal to a very important message sent to the camera.
According to Diedrich then has celebrated long after I leave the whole family, with its luminous essence a party into the night.
Thanks, Diedrich, that you and your family are.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
How Much Olive Oil Should I Give My Dog Per Day
Log No. 31 - Hula Dancing at the spirit healer-Treff
29.08.2009: hula dance at the spirit healer XING meeting at Lake Constance. This had not seen the world. About 10 healers from the region accepted the invitation of the host Gabriele "Kalehua" Shaker and Wolfgang T. Muller in the small South Pacific Dance Studio "Hale Kalehua" to Hohenfels on Lake Constance.
addition to the usual but important introductions us chimed Hans Thomas Stepanik with a very old spiritual healing Chant from the Sanskrit.
Like XING meetings allowed, everyone was allowed to interpret its flyers and business cards and soon it was in familiar conversation. Who does what and why. Two particularly bulky "business" had brought along Hans Thomas: Two of his healing seating ( http://www.heilende-moebel.de/ ). These were immediately tested and found again with a kinesiology
arm tests for energy especially valuable.
Just before the lunch break will be gracing then Gabriele Kalehua with two of her very sensitively presented original Hawaiian hula dances. Gabriele Kalehua is a trained teacher in Hawaii for the Polynesian dance and life coach to the Huna principles ( http://www.hawaiian-hula.com/ ).
Some participants had tears in his eyes and also some of the men probably had a big lump in my throat, because after the performance It was reverently silent. One of the participants, which is very lucid and intense communication with the spiritual world, had the dance by Gabriele even luminous being seen around her that accompanied the dance.
regularly teaches in her beautifully decorated hula dance studio on Lake Constance the Hawaiian dance that is very spiritual, with its hidden meanings and movements. It forms since 2004, also to those interested in dancing hula dance instructors who teach it in their home this exotic dance on.
Gabriele Kalehua then mentioned in the Vorstellngsrunde yet, that this year celebrates its 5-year-old hula-trainer training anniversary and for this reason the last two One-week workshops in October and November this year by leading to an anniversary discount of 50%.
was quick to the morning and all gathered on the spacious outdoor terrace of our house.
The sun was shining and with some snacks with plenty of fruit no one wanted to really go back to the afternoon portion, so beautiful, it was obvious to many in the vast nature of our Elemental and gnomes who feel at home in our garden.
The afternoon belonged to me as a speaker on the subjects' representation of the healer in the public, "" Advertising and Marketing for Healers, "" Healer Network "and the very end, even the latest information on the proposed I-healer center on Lake Constance.
Only At 19.30 clock would be let go by the last. A successful day all round had ended.
I thank everyone involved for this wonderful day with you. Your
addition to the usual but important introductions us chimed Hans Thomas Stepanik with a very old spiritual healing Chant from the Sanskrit.
Like XING meetings allowed, everyone was allowed to interpret its flyers and business cards and soon it was in familiar conversation. Who does what and why. Two particularly bulky "business" had brought along Hans Thomas: Two of his healing seating ( http://www.heilende-moebel.de/ ). These were immediately tested and found again with a kinesiology
arm tests for energy especially valuable.
Just before the lunch break will be gracing then Gabriele Kalehua with two of her very sensitively presented original Hawaiian hula dances. Gabriele Kalehua is a trained teacher in Hawaii for the Polynesian dance and life coach to the Huna principles ( http://www.hawaiian-hula.com/ ).
Some participants had tears in his eyes and also some of the men probably had a big lump in my throat, because after the performance It was reverently silent. One of the participants, which is very lucid and intense communication with the spiritual world, had the dance by Gabriele even luminous being seen around her that accompanied the dance.
regularly teaches in her beautifully decorated hula dance studio on Lake Constance the Hawaiian dance that is very spiritual, with its hidden meanings and movements. It forms since 2004, also to those interested in dancing hula dance instructors who teach it in their home this exotic dance on.
Gabriele Kalehua then mentioned in the Vorstellngsrunde yet, that this year celebrates its 5-year-old hula-trainer training anniversary and for this reason the last two One-week workshops in October and November this year by leading to an anniversary discount of 50%.
was quick to the morning and all gathered on the spacious outdoor terrace of our house.
The sun was shining and with some snacks with plenty of fruit no one wanted to really go back to the afternoon portion, so beautiful, it was obvious to many in the vast nature of our Elemental and gnomes who feel at home in our garden.
The afternoon belonged to me as a speaker on the subjects' representation of the healer in the public, "" Advertising and Marketing for Healers, "" Healer Network "and the very end, even the latest information on the proposed I-healer center on Lake Constance.
Only At 19.30 clock would be let go by the last. A successful day all round had ended.
I thank everyone involved for this wonderful day with you. Your
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Free Disney Scrapbook Kit
Log No. 30 - Stille contact with Orbs
A day after the renewed encounter with Horst Krohne in Frankfurt, I was a guest at a three-day intensive workshop in Hechingen, where the Hohenzollern Castle sits majestically on a hill visible from afar.
in a beautiful large, high and decorated with stucco hall at the Museum / City Hall "from Hechingen received me Dr. Harald Daub ( http://www.harald-daub.de/ ), a wiry, well trained person who looks younger not a doctor and at least 10 years, as he is. Envy? Not at all - I see more self at least 15 years younger than I am - because Harald must work hard but what if he is my age still as fit as I do. ;-). Joking aside. Back to the doctor.
Yes - you read it right. Harald Daub is a real doctor - an MD, a so-called conventional medicine.
"What's he doing in Wolfgang's to look for a healer movie?" You'll ask you now.
And my answer is: "Beloved, a good, even great deal!"
For Harald Daub one of those characters will be in the film, which is the bridge between traditional medicine and spiritual healing and help with his statements to be that the gap between the different healers will be much smaller. Harald Daub
And here I met a very sympathetic man with absolute integrity, who is also brave enough, the things to name that are encrusted and howl with blinders provided education to medical students. Not only this
Harald Daub could easily a very entertaining and highly interesting book review, entitled "From doctor to healer. For he is not only medical school, but also healers and spiritual healers. And he practices it that way.
Even better: He his findings on activation of the self-healing teaches in his seminars and workshops developed by him with the name "Silent Touch" ( http://www.silent-touch.de/ ).
And to such a three-day seminar, I was invited by Harald Daub.
3 days I should now accompany the entire seminar schedule on film.
on what I had let myself in, I only realize much later.
Around 15 people a wobbled, to acquire in the so-called Basic seminar the foundation for a successful self-healing treatment wanted. The oldest participant was in fact a 83-year-old but very spry lady who played along with all the exercises with enthusiasm and never faltered. to describe
The seminar in detail, would now go beyond this diary entry extent. However, briefly summarized the contents of the seminar should be enough to guess at what is at issue here. Harald Daub describes it correctly on its website as:
"silent-touch is a gentle yet powerful treatment that arouses by touching sentient body awareness. It regulates the body functions naturally and the healing process set in motion. The method consists of three components: • silent touch, MTD technology and PIE exercises. In the silent-touch courses, you learn to heal yourself, get rid of pain and take your health into their "own hands". You will also learn to apply the method to another in order to help other people here to get well and stay. "
course, I used every opportunity to the camera in between simply left to itself on its tripod also the many exercises and also in practice.
went on the second day out the same morning in the adjacent health park with an unusual "feel" obstacle course, Harald Daub had the largely developed for his home community. This "Erwanderweg" but it was a sly old dog. Because suddenly it was: sense shoes and socks off, go barefoot, pain, accept, resolve.
Easier said than done. First started still pretty harmless to the walking on sand, but was increasingly coarse. Then it was bare feet on sharp gravel. The pain among the effeminate cornea without feet got bigger. unbearable and yet was allowed to be mentioned the pain and feeling into it, so it was bearable. Then we should all be wading through a creek, its base by a slippery layer of mud, which quickly clouded the water was not visible.
We had to trust completely, and we feel for each step. In addition, the water was pretty cold.
was no baggage to the affairs nor in any way, because you can hold onto a wooden railing.
I wore all the time but still have my camera and filmed. I felt like the professional documentary filmmakers in some jungle in the world in search of rare animals. Unspeakable hardships will be undertaken.
OK, my unspeakable hardships then no longer, thanks to the meditative techniques by Dr. Harald Daub. Then it went
via various malignant flooring, of round logs, over which one should run with balancing still wet feet. Again, I had to balance the weight of the camera in addition.
To calm - if you no longer stand it, then you could connect any time on the lawn next to the course and run it on.
Eventually we were back at the starting point, we sprayed with water hoses, the legs encrusted with clay and then suddenly we were floating on cloud nine back to our Retreat House.
The feet felt tingles wonderfully animated and fresh, and I had the feeling that my feet were now to another 10 years younger than the rest of my already youthful Body (you can see from my time mercifully slipped down from the halo that had made wide to my hip).
Back in the seminar room was then spread throughout the day with a wall of sound with all the participants and were in an almost heavenly way, the "A", "E", "I", "O" and "U" s intonation and thus addressed all the chakras and balanced. It was a superb sound experience in this area.
And it had the " Orbs" (who wants to know more about the balls of light: http://www.paranormal.de/orbs/index.htm activated), which were always more than we even left out dancing.
made at the end of the seminar I have some group photos - and lo and behold, the orbs in the picture wanted, and they were immortalized.
What I was taught the seminar: the ability to enable a simple but highly effective way to heal itself. Not the participants, who laid their hands to their partners, were the main actors, but the clients themselves, who just learned to accept her mental or physical pain, in these empathize and then dissolve it in love, and without review. The healer himself has only a supporting function and sets the intuitive Hands up where they are needed. Again, this is not assessed and can be easily done when it come images, feelings, smells or other signs. "I am - it is." This is the guiding principle when it should begin to interpret - and make it happen.
launched with much empathy and a calm, balanced way Harald Daub this beautiful course. This is repeated regularly by him in Hechingen. In October
even offers Harald Daub in Northern Italy a-week wellness holiday with a daily health program, which provides among other things, he developed "Silent-touch method." Here the link:
https: http://www.silent-touch.de / / www.xing.com/events/relaxxl-2009-wellness-urlaub-ganzheitliche-gesundheit-389005
or on its website / . A week later
, on 31/08/2009, I was back at Harald Daub to the interview for the film included.
Before an original "Leiendecker" painting ("Tree Mandala: http://www.leiendecker.com/b38.htm ; Homepage http://www.leiendecker.com/ ) was then conducted the interview. Here, the school-trained physician and healer today stressed again and again the importance of closer cooperation between the various medical professions for the benefit of the client.
It is one of the most important interviews for this movie and I thank Dr. Harald Daub expressly for his courage and openness.
your Wolfgang
A day after the renewed encounter with Horst Krohne in Frankfurt, I was a guest at a three-day intensive workshop in Hechingen, where the Hohenzollern Castle sits majestically on a hill visible from afar.
in a beautiful large, high and decorated with stucco hall at the Museum / City Hall "from Hechingen received me Dr. Harald Daub ( http://www.harald-daub.de/ ), a wiry, well trained person who looks younger not a doctor and at least 10 years, as he is. Envy? Not at all - I see more self at least 15 years younger than I am - because Harald must work hard but what if he is my age still as fit as I do. ;-). Joking aside. Back to the doctor.
Yes - you read it right. Harald Daub is a real doctor - an MD, a so-called conventional medicine.
"What's he doing in Wolfgang's to look for a healer movie?" You'll ask you now.
And my answer is: "Beloved, a good, even great deal!"
For Harald Daub one of those characters will be in the film, which is the bridge between traditional medicine and spiritual healing and help with his statements to be that the gap between the different healers will be much smaller. Harald Daub
And here I met a very sympathetic man with absolute integrity, who is also brave enough, the things to name that are encrusted and howl with blinders provided education to medical students. Not only this
Harald Daub could easily a very entertaining and highly interesting book review, entitled "From doctor to healer. For he is not only medical school, but also healers and spiritual healers. And he practices it that way.
Even better: He his findings on activation of the self-healing teaches in his seminars and workshops developed by him with the name "Silent Touch" ( http://www.silent-touch.de/ ).
And to such a three-day seminar, I was invited by Harald Daub.
3 days I should now accompany the entire seminar schedule on film.
on what I had let myself in, I only realize much later.
Around 15 people a wobbled, to acquire in the so-called Basic seminar the foundation for a successful self-healing treatment wanted. The oldest participant was in fact a 83-year-old but very spry lady who played along with all the exercises with enthusiasm and never faltered. to describe
The seminar in detail, would now go beyond this diary entry extent. However, briefly summarized the contents of the seminar should be enough to guess at what is at issue here. Harald Daub describes it correctly on its website as:
"silent-touch is a gentle yet powerful treatment that arouses by touching sentient body awareness. It regulates the body functions naturally and the healing process set in motion. The method consists of three components: • silent touch, MTD technology and PIE exercises. In the silent-touch courses, you learn to heal yourself, get rid of pain and take your health into their "own hands". You will also learn to apply the method to another in order to help other people here to get well and stay. "
course, I used every opportunity to the camera in between simply left to itself on its tripod also the many exercises and also in practice.
went on the second day out the same morning in the adjacent health park with an unusual "feel" obstacle course, Harald Daub had the largely developed for his home community. This "Erwanderweg" but it was a sly old dog. Because suddenly it was: sense shoes and socks off, go barefoot, pain, accept, resolve.
Easier said than done. First started still pretty harmless to the walking on sand, but was increasingly coarse. Then it was bare feet on sharp gravel. The pain among the effeminate cornea without feet got bigger. unbearable and yet was allowed to be mentioned the pain and feeling into it, so it was bearable. Then we should all be wading through a creek, its base by a slippery layer of mud, which quickly clouded the water was not visible.
We had to trust completely, and we feel for each step. In addition, the water was pretty cold.
was no baggage to the affairs nor in any way, because you can hold onto a wooden railing.
I wore all the time but still have my camera and filmed. I felt like the professional documentary filmmakers in some jungle in the world in search of rare animals. Unspeakable hardships will be undertaken.
OK, my unspeakable hardships then no longer, thanks to the meditative techniques by Dr. Harald Daub. Then it went
via various malignant flooring, of round logs, over which one should run with balancing still wet feet. Again, I had to balance the weight of the camera in addition.
To calm - if you no longer stand it, then you could connect any time on the lawn next to the course and run it on.
Eventually we were back at the starting point, we sprayed with water hoses, the legs encrusted with clay and then suddenly we were floating on cloud nine back to our Retreat House.
The feet felt tingles wonderfully animated and fresh, and I had the feeling that my feet were now to another 10 years younger than the rest of my already youthful Body (you can see from my time mercifully slipped down from the halo that had made wide to my hip).
Back in the seminar room was then spread throughout the day with a wall of sound with all the participants and were in an almost heavenly way, the "A", "E", "I", "O" and "U" s intonation and thus addressed all the chakras and balanced. It was a superb sound experience in this area.
And it had the " Orbs" (who wants to know more about the balls of light: http://www.paranormal.de/orbs/index.htm activated), which were always more than we even left out dancing.
made at the end of the seminar I have some group photos - and lo and behold, the orbs in the picture wanted, and they were immortalized.
What I was taught the seminar: the ability to enable a simple but highly effective way to heal itself. Not the participants, who laid their hands to their partners, were the main actors, but the clients themselves, who just learned to accept her mental or physical pain, in these empathize and then dissolve it in love, and without review. The healer himself has only a supporting function and sets the intuitive Hands up where they are needed. Again, this is not assessed and can be easily done when it come images, feelings, smells or other signs. "I am - it is." This is the guiding principle when it should begin to interpret - and make it happen.
launched with much empathy and a calm, balanced way Harald Daub this beautiful course. This is repeated regularly by him in Hechingen. In October
even offers Harald Daub in Northern Italy a-week wellness holiday with a daily health program, which provides among other things, he developed "Silent-touch method." Here the link:
https: http://www.silent-touch.de / / www.xing.com/events/relaxxl-2009-wellness-urlaub-ganzheitliche-gesundheit-389005
or on its website / . A week later
, on 31/08/2009, I was back at Harald Daub to the interview for the film included.
Before an original "Leiendecker" painting ("Tree Mandala: http://www.leiendecker.com/b38.htm ; Homepage http://www.leiendecker.com/ ) was then conducted the interview. Here, the school-trained physician and healer today stressed again and again the importance of closer cooperation between the various medical professions for the benefit of the client.
It is one of the most important interviews for this movie and I thank Dr. Harald Daub expressly for his courage and openness.
your Wolfgang
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