aid for cats and dogs in Germany and Italy
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Contact: Margaret Baune, Bergstrasse 25, 97076 Würzburg, Phone 0931 / 27 26 40
Summer: 0039 / 333 2329280,
donations are tax deductible Würzburg, November 2010
Hypo Vereinsbank:
account No. 1490 245 703
Bank sort code 790 200 76
Dear Animal Friends
We are on 26 October 2010 returned. It was an ordeal, our dear Sissy screamed from Naples to Würzburg, the next time they get something to sleep!
I want to thank all who have helped me to feed and care for cats in Würzburg, in Italy and Austria. For all the kind words, I could very well use. This year I had 108 cats, 55 males and 53 Females, 3 neutered dogs girls. 53 cats and 6 dogs babies were not born as a result. Sleep, we had four cats that were sick.
have 17 feeding stations with about 70 cats that I fed every day. In recent days I have it canceled three people who had previously promised to feed in winter. Giovanna has integrated it with their feeders. The street dogs are still there. Giovanni has counted once 20th My cats had therefore to remain in it at night. Usually they are by themselves come in, when I came back from my tour. Sissi has maintained only the bottom and then I had to wear by "Cat Lift" high. Have one to the others in the caravan door and when all were in there, the door opened. Once I forgot to close the cat door, in a twinkling were all back out there and I had to re-capture.
The Parco Orofino, there is the same trouble as last year. When I finished my round, it is dark, I go back, the mobile leave in the car, sneaking in the back wall shadows, the food cannot before the cats are waiting there for me and I hope that me or the food no one sees. Because the cat hater of Orofino otherwise throw it on the road. Sometimes I had to drive 3 times over because there was always somebody there. of rain in one day than I have fed on the outward journey. When I came from the other side of the street, where the second is feeding ground, the biggest whingers was from Park with his wife on my car. Said they have nothing, but when I came back from the castle, the food was on the road. Since I'm just being again and have fresh food on the wall. Call it my "Bauchwehplatz. Every day when I fed it, I've had stomach ache and then also, because I do not know if the check again to make sure food is there. My dream is to mop all the cats from there to a safe place where they can live in peace and not be permanently expelled from the people there because they stink " and allergies bring. A friend who is a police officer familiar with the situation, but can not do anything officially. A friend, who is with the Carabinieri, has told me to quietly feed on, I would have made anyway, the residents could sue for cruelty to animals. But that would only bring the cats poison. This year I have 2 females caught off the wall, had the boy. One night I felt on the wall was. 'm Already a dead cat was found there 2 and I have done it. It was a Katerl pretty sick, lost an eye. The mother knew that she can not help him and gave it to me down there. He cried a lot, certainly to his mom. A 2nd Baby could I bring not the big ones have it pushed to the back, could not pack it. Hopefully it's not a female. Once I had run the upper whingers almost in his arms. In a side street, I always teach food dish and then go across the street, there to wait 2 to me. Just wanted to run out when he came from the side. 'm Petrified to stand still. Fortunately, spoke on a balcony and a woman he has seen there, so he has not seen me. Is every night a lottery, they see me or not. I always leave my car in when other cars drive just over. Once I set off without notice that the seat belt hanging out and hergescheppert is behind me. Come me really like a criminal when I feed there.
Pica, the little cat from camping neighbors remained entirely up to us. In the evening she is the first that is in the trailer. You must lead a "natural" life, "says the owner. That is, if their people are, they're lucky, they get to eat something, if not, they must keep looking for something. So she begs for all campers, each says to me, we feed your cat is so skinny, eats everything. When I told the owner that it is dangerous for a kitten when the dogs come at night, which in previous years on 20 adult cats have bitten dead, he told me that she sleeps on a tree. Is that a natural life for a cat? When the owners went on vacation, they asked me if I take care of pica. I was also shown the cans they buy, I could indeed get even!
neutering is then also not possible. In winter, they wanted to leave her alone in the camp, although at home they have a garden. With us there's food, a warm and dry place, dangerous to players and cuddles at night she comes into bed with me. Sissi Pica can not stand, it is the first 2 nights, the Pica has slept with us, home come. But this traitor, if the pipe down, she runs down immediately. Because of her diarrhea, I wanted them to deworm them, but his father sent word to me that I could make themselves. As I said to the little girl, that's your cat, she told me completely untouched, the dad said you can keep it too. The little girl I also said I would be a lot of money with the cats. Can a 5-year-old to think of something, or hear it the home of the parents? Her mother would have said I would keep Pica in a cage, so she has to check with us. As Pica disappeared in late September, no one has asked for it.
Rudi went down and asked if they know where it is. Pica before they had a puppy. To the natural life he had in the spring, when it was still very cold at night, tied under the table to sleep outdoors. We have liberated him at night more often if he had wrapped the leash around the table legs. The cage, we have brought down so the little one at least has a roof over his head, he has refused. Later, we brought the dog to the animal shelter did not want him anymore. Then came Pica. At the weekend I always feed in the afternoon. When I came to a scene of the accident, I heard someone said, placing the cat food we pass through. Inch by inch they used to be piloted by the accident between cars. Also has advantages when one is doing what cats for you?
A car has held a young woman next to me and asked me if I am German, who cares for stray animals. Work: cats can catch, neuter, bring it back again. Most "love" them so their cats so much, but when I ask, who pays the castration, it is called now, are not my cats. When I ask then, yes there are they saying? They look stupid. Love will always keep it, if it costs money
At the church San Gennaro is e, s one-stop shop for foreigners. Many are often drunk or full of drugs. Said is the great exception. He works in the kitchen einesRistorantes where he also takes care of cats. Last year I was already trapped cats and this year the 3 new. For Anna, I had already caught cats. A female that is very fruitful, we did not get last year, which had been Boy, there were 8 new cats. Is a terrible place, you can go on a very narrow street, but not up, go down stairs, on which a constant coming and going, the cats are getting scared and I had to get new cats all in one day, it was short before our departure. The traps were spread over all the stairs, across were people who have given their unwanted comments. If even a small miracle that 7 were in the traps. Only a Red ran away. From those castrated were 2 still there. So I left there 3 cases and went to the vet. Anna and her husband were desperate, but I was sure that she comes back in the evening and then runs into the trap and it did. The two have me then all 3 cases taken up so I could not take the narrow road behind. There were 7 females! Luciano is a great cat lover. He feeds a lot of cats. Last year, we have cats ever caught him. All the neighbors give him constant difficulties because of the cats. I was there also 3 nursing mothers caught and brought back. One of them bitten by stray dog's back. It is gerobbt on his front paws on the road. When I brought her to be euthanized, I have promised her to take care of their children. Overall, we found 11, but I think that not all got a mother. 2, we did not get and they were seen no more. The kids were all very small, very distraught, she could not arrive at the beginning, full of fleas, worms, mites, the whole program, but become all cuddly cats. Wish every cat a good life with loving people. On a kitten, I could really see how a half-starved, totally distraught, frightened animal is a cuddly kitten was. She was at the feeding area with large frightened eyes wide open, just behind the fence, I had to push through the lining and it was only when I was in the car. When I noticed that she is pregnant went off the puzzle. I do not know how long it took, until she felt behind her fence and was trapped. At the vet then you have only seen how bad it was my turn and I have decided to no longer have the street. have at this point then later a construction worker Katerl trapped in a tube, which was there to starve. An animal rights activist, has seen that and we got the kids and taken to the vet
In the spring brought me a man 2 kittens, they could not keep them, have no money. Has shown me the injured paw of the mother and I have promised him to take over the castration. Then I had to fall not heard from him. He wanted to leave the mother now operate as the little ones are big enough. I thought I did not hear correctly. The mother did not castrate leave because the paw was not yet healed. Exasperated, I told him that she was strong enough to mate and to get young, but do not want to order the castration? I told him that he himself must pay the castration because he has not abided by the rules and now one must have 5 cats neutered instead of one. He then brought two females to my vet, neutered and have said I would pay for the surgery. Should we be angry not there?
The castle was a new kitten, Luigi, who fed in the winter there, called me to tell me that the girl has since gone, otherwise it is passed. When I got was Luigi dort.Er has not once in 6 months of the kitten asked in the autumn he then complained that I had not called him all summer. When I asked him why he did not call when he wants to talk to me or why he was never to Valentina, which he is so sited at heart, he inquired, he had no answer. He later informed me via SMS that he do not feed on personal grounds in winter. Had written him that he has done so not for me, but for the cats. 2 young men working with us, brought me Ariane, the most beautiful kitten in the world. When I asked the mother, they told me that is dying. Am with them went there to fetch her mother. She was of children been abused when she was pregnant, she gave birth to two dead babies and Ariane, but could not take care of them so bad it was her. 2 vets have then been fighting for their lives, gallons of aspirated fluid from her abdomen, while they hung on the drip. Our vet then she has to keep in practice, while they just lay there and we thought that it does not succeed is later then the whole stomach had burst and it took a long time until the wound is overgrown. She was a very nice woman. But her baby! Every 2 hours we fought, they simply would not drink, she was full of milk, I was full and the whole area as well. When I was not even there, the vet came to feed. She spat the milk in the face! He has said, a kitten he has never had. Shortly after that another baby was added, which was at 2 days after a storm soaking wet on the streets
After initially normal drinking problems it worked great. 2 brothers were brought to me, because the mother was ill. which have brought us parasites. 2 cats girl I caught in the curve in front of the Parco Orofino, fortunately they have not run into the street, there will be sped by and it caught repeatedly cats. When our vet saw the two, he cried, quite spontaneously, the Kessler! Said Alice and Ellen get their names. Giovanna had little at a feed station 2 kittens. Since it was very dangerous there, traffic and dogs, she has brought the two in terms of the Baia. Among the 16 cats that we have there castrate a prisoner. For fear of a dog, she ran away, so they returned and Giovanna has seen the next day, dogs had bitten brother dead. Sister sat at the top of a tree. Then they came to me. In the terms I have a new feeding place, right on the street. If the cats have heard my car, they run into the street. I always shouted back. Did they carried off, but they were pretty wild and I do not know where. As I took 2 of castration I had thought all day, I put them back to the dangerous point or the other place where no cars? Have they taken there but after 2 days they were back at the old place. The notary, I have caught cats years ago, two of which still were left. There was huge construction site, so I could feed the cats under the pedestrian bridge, has not rained in the plates, no one has seen the cats or the disk drive and cars because only by neighbors. Have everything perfect to me, notary public views and to say that I should put the plates on the road. Did not the cup so close to their goal. My 2 cats had eaten all at once to fear there. Heard a dangerous growl under the bridge came from a red cat, who had discovered there with her 3 kids the food. Have had all castrated, for each brought their own plate and I enjoyed every evening when the kids came running towards me. Had to feed the cats extra old, the kids had no respect for age. The woman who lives at the castle, does not want that I feed the cats there. I was always yelled at until I told her, according to police, this is a public place and I can feed the cats, where I want, as long as I do not enter their property. Since then she punishes me by not following. But I can live with. Before our place was found a little kitten in the garbage, the screaming horribly. When I wore it up, came the mummy, they could not catch me when she was pregnant and went with me. The baby was quiet now, when she saw the cat. I then put it in my part of customizable box that mom is gone in, it has leaked, but not suckled and when she realized that she is locked up, raged. Have they released, they never came back. Whether this was probably the mother? The kitchen door was left open at night I done a little basket and food in the large box, in the hope that they may bring the other children, (as it has done Domenica. She was never in our homes, have they have in the car park trapped outside and yet she gave me her baby down on my pillow after I've left them free after castration.) On a roof, we then set up a feeding area and I have the mom can then begin castrate also for. Camping neighbors told me that sitting under her car a little kitten that has been driving a car. Unfortunately, they left their Rottweiler free to run around the car, so the boy crawled into the engine compartment. With much difficulty we have him back out there and taken to the vet: pelvic fracture. But it has survived well.
Crostina that Cosima had adopted as her baby is, with all the space they are available had gone on the highway and there have been run over. She went with me, like the others, down to the pool, we have tennis courts, go-kart track has what they knew everything, why she had on the highway? I am still very angry with her so, even if it does nothing.
Then we have still lost Cocolina. She was very old and very sick when I caught. In this case, it has raged like a madman when I then repeated by the vet, it was a different cat. She purred, wanted to be petted, so I decided to keep it. She was quite happy standing still at the cage door to cuddle, she did not want to get out, got there it was panic, do everything with it, but it was not tight. The vet told me that she has kidney problems and therefore do not hold the urine. Then had to several times a day all the big things, in which it has pure love to cuddle, exchange, because everything was wet. It was also embarrassing her. At first she ate pretty well but then she felt increasingly worse. Diet they did not want and I have tried to find out what she likes. She stood then no longer have it stroked, where she lay. I think she no longer wanted. Maybe she also had pain. We have her 1 month and 1 day to make a good life and she was happy with us, but just not enough. Opposite Orofino was suddenly a little kitten, she had hid in a hole under the wall, you put in there a small bowl. Placed in the case, they never went, not even a day. One evening she was sitting next to me at once I thought now or never and I have arrived. The neck, I then carried across the busy street and when I was with the 2nd Hand came too close when I tried to open a cage, she has bitten it. But they have kept Serena is a beauty, but in the beginning she was a fury. I held her in solitary confinement, and always with an eye to the other that I could arrive and stroke. Again and again I long to try it through the bars. Suddenly she lay on her back and wanted to be petted on the belly. Was then very friendly. In terms was suddenly a little black kitten, Giovanna has jumped on the back and not down. A large Schmuserle. Joel and Serena now share my shower and have the official veterinarian quarantine for 6 weeks, as "order of protection against the specific risk of disease." As it says in the decision. Rabies in Italy there is not the situation has not changed, as I confirmed the official veterinarian, they inquired. Nevertheless quarantine.
great outcry, since a Cat! War in the women who meet every afternoon to play at a certain table for cards! How she could just melt away! She was hit on the road and has dragged himself inside. Have they brought to the vet, where she had to remain, was injured and had lost an eye.
the X-ray it was determined that she had no other injuries, as feared. A friend has brought a trap to catch a mother cat with her son, who lived on the main road, they spent Maristella are still wild. In his work we have, in spite of noisy construction work, all cats, including 2 Siamese Babies can catch. Nicola Nicoletta brought me in a shoe box, a girl she had given to me. Who I do not know.
In the hot season, we have carried out the cages are protected with umbrellas and poured all day. Not the cats that grow by themselves, but around the cages. With a friend before the house was a mother cat with 9 boys who was run over, Luciana has resumed the 9 that were also very ill and on the road very quickly to go would have been. Maristella has given me my Asterix and Sweety, an old cat girls, health reasons, I no longer on the road could share, recorded. Both are doing better. Often it is quite turbulent for us. Yesterday was such a day, could not sleep was, in my bed was a neutered cat that boy had and cried all night after their children. Did they soon returned. When I came back I had a call that animals can go to Germany. While I saw Rudi phoned that someone puked in the living room and someone there had also already stepped wide, I had to rid of. As was already the vet, coffee is not ready, Francesco is the only Italian I know, the German coffee love (I think that is why he has so much operated with us, as he always has his coffee got!), not operating table addressed, 5 cats had to operate. My cats wanted breakfast, litter boxes were not clean, as has a friend called and asked if I would do just that. When I told her that just came back from Baia, located by the sea, she asked if I was to swim there. Because I would have liked to scream loudly. Olivia had set a stinker next to the toilet, the TA got her she was going to say Kacka caution, but was now entered himself in, because it had fallen from the basket, got it on the brown signs seen on the floor. Then underwent surgery. At 13:30 clock, I was suddenly dead bad, because I realized that I had not had breakfast had.
In the spring we had in Naples, on the grounds of a friendly dog clubs, our "Festa del Bastardino" This (festival of the street dog)-mediated dogs, mostly from the San Francesco, get their story is told and then There's also to win trophies. Is great when you see what happened to the dogs and look forward to. In the fall we have at the shelter, the Feast of San Francesco, with buffet, lottery, flea market, shirt sales. It works out quite well, but we also urgently need so euro each. Live at the shelter about 600 dogs who are hungry every day, and medications need to be supplied
The park ranger of San Gennaro is every day the chain when I come and go away, then has to get out, open the chain so that I can go in and he is then more again immediately, so that the coming, the drive out again, except that he then behind me, the chain no longer hangs. I then spoke to the chief priest and then it was over the chicane. Why does he do it? Perhaps because I am a woman, or German? Speaking German: A woman who saw that I brought food to the cats, asked me if I have a "Gattara" was. So you call in Italy women, caring for cats. When I said yes, she found the really great until my car number has seen and wanted to know if I was German. When I said yes, she said that all Germans are evil. On the why, she said Hitler! Hitler was not a German, I told her and whether she had been to Germany or German know. They said no. Told her that in Italy there are many thieves, but I do not say all Italians are thieves and that it is folly for me to condemn a whole nation, because a man who was not even German. When I said goodbye to my cats, "said the daughter, who speaks with the cats!
Nerina is a black dog girl, scared and starving in the camp completely arrived. Long time we did not know whether it a male or female, since she always wore the tail pinched. Very slowly she has to trust and you could do their eye drops in the injured eye, she was bathed and cut off the long tufts. Of the Italians, who wanted to take them, they could be touched any more. Animal catcher should catch the dog. Fortunately, Nerina was not found wanting but the next day come back. The Dutch, for which she was then, had promised to help in the capture. When I put a cage in the evening, the Dutchman said it was not their problem and they would not help the dog to catch, even though I had explained to them what the bitch would come if the animal catchers to bring away. Fortunately, came the next day a friend and we got the dog and I have brought to the shelter to Licola Giovanna. There she was then at the forecourt of the office because all the boxes were full (Giovanna has about 700 dogs), a single room with igloo, including pillows for sleeping. She has eaten nothing for days. But was soon very tame. A woman from Milan called, they had fallen in love while on holiday in our yard in Nerina, but they could not take for reasons of space, they would like to have. Alessandra, which searches the internet for dog owners, has brought them to Northern Italy. Previously, we have them neutered yet . Let
I wish you a merry Christmas season, in a quiet Christmas and New Year all the best, especially health and stray animals a better life. I am grateful for all donations that arrived directly where they are needed.
Margaret Baune