Log No. 44 - Rüdiger Dahlke and jammed train doors ...
15th October 2009; arrival in Bad Kohlgrub in the Ammergau Alps. Bad Kohlgrub, Germany's highest Moor and enchanting located at 1,000 meters altitude, near Garmisch Partenkirchen and Oberammergau, there We had Dr. Ruediger Dahlke , bestselling author of many medical books ( http://www.dahlke.at ), curly.
For "Bad" was named the place after it was discovered the healing power of the surrounding moor and used, which is mainly for its healing properties for gout, sciatica, gynecological problems and act like.
middle of the moor we quartered (Gabriele and I) us into a spacious apartment. Below us the cowshed, suddenly and were inhabited due to early frost collapsing of a bull, a cow and a calf. Our "tenants" were, unfortunately, at night on the agreed night's sleep and hit often loudly, with their Horns and the dish against the barn walls, so we were frequently taken out of our sleep. All life is an adventure and you must be prepared mentally only to the particular situation and transform the Kuhgetöse as sweet angels singing, then it does not bother more suddenly.
appeared the next morning well the calf to have our snoring so disturbed that it took in an unguarded moment to his heels. It was delicious to watch from the window at breakfast, as the entire people of the moor were busy capturing the calf again and bring us back to the stable under.
Schillingshof the hotel right in the city the physician and psychotherapist Dahlke had quartered. He was there for several fast-seminars on "Our body - the temple of the soul".
Rüdiger Dahlke and we have a shared cruise on the MS EUROPA (one five and a half-star ship in the world) in 2008, where all three of us as so-called "day artists" were committed across the South Pacific. Rüdiger D. lectured for example, about the homeopathic first aid kit and just wrote on his book "Illness as the language of the child's soul" ( http://www.dahlke.at/veroeffentlichungen/buecher/krankheitsprachekinderseele.php ). My wife
Gabriele Kalehua spreader ( http://www.hawaian-hula.com/ ) was engaged as a teacher of the Hawaiian dance and I as a lecturer in cultural and informative lectures.
Since we were sympathetic at first, we spent many evenings together on the Lido deck of this luxury liner. Rüdiger
I had now contacted a few months ago and he film and my book idea for "The Healer" was presented. Without hesitation, he immediately agreed to an exclusive interview and promised a foreword for the book "The Healer" to write what I been there already.
were now so we ended up in Bad Kohlgrub and Saturday, 10/17/2009 was 12.00 bis 15.00 Clock Clock planned during his lunch break. In the hotel we
built on the movie Facilities in a quiet lobby and was highly concentrated to us then Rüdiger available for interviews. As Rüdiger is not a healer, but doctor, working with healers, however, at its center, was developed especially for the new interview questions, which in part on the testimony of his latest book, "The fate of laws" ( http://www .dahlke.at / publications / books / schicksalsgesetze.php supported). It expects
Dahlke relentlessly, but with him his own humor, with the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors now and wants to be close to holistic healing, with the support of so-called spiritual healers. In the interview took Rüdiger not mince words, saying, "Tacheles," which established the ignorance of spiritual healing by the medical profession is concerned. This last work currently
"fate laws" are written boldly and repeatedly emphasized the importance of the acquisition of ownership of the disease by the patient. He runs to me, of course, an open door, because that is also one of the main messages of my film.
With its charming girlfriend Rita we spent in the hotel restaurant or a wonderful and relaxing Evening with many humorous contributions.
A few days relaxing with a visit to Garmisch Partenkirchen and Oberammergau rounded off the work visit to Bad Kohlgrub.
Then it went on 21.10.2009 on to Riedering near Rosenheim at Tegernsee, where we turn a doctor, this time Dr. Rolf Rosenfeldt ( http://www.rosenfeldt.de/ ) interviewed, who also - as a naturopathic doctor - in an interview courageously gave his statements per spirit healer.
It was so beautiful in the area, we stopped for a few relaxing days a trip to Heike Krzemien and Tom Rietdorf in rats churches.
There was also - on the last day and a few hours before our return home - spontaneously developed the idea for the healer Film Festival.
this a little story that had happened there. On Monday morning (26.10.2009) wanted to leave like right after breakfast, Tom was also at 10.00 clock the first appointment with a client from Munich. Guided by heavenly forces developed at the conclusion of the breakfast with the idea for this 3-day event, about which I will later report in more detail.
reciprocity were the ideas are thrown balls. Some ideas expressed as the healer-chorus to 'Heal the World "we all stood up the hair, so much energy was in the room.
Heike went temporarily to the station to pick up the client, while at home with enthusiasm, we determined the details. Half an hour later came back with a puzzled face Heike and said that the client would not have been at the station, although the date had been agreed.
We supposed, that it would now fit so great, we still stuck in the middle in the planning for this very important event.
how important this event was apparently also the spiritual world, we could see it, as later the client called and said that she had been on the train, however, would not open at the station the train doors. She had to take the train to the next Station drive and then went back to Munich again frustrated.
Is not that brilliant - that even the angels keep the train doors so we could finish our undisturbed event planning? When we heard that, we all laughed uproariously, we thanked the spiritual world and then drove with a polished concept home.
more about this in the next logbooks. Your
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