castration bid for cats? It rumbles around
Some cities un it and put a bold character. Many others provide for a municipal bid castration of free-running cats no legal recourse as Dusseldorf and Bochum . And waiting will change in Bundestierschtutzgesetz something. It will probably still wait for our grandchildren. And in a few weeks she is born, the next generation of young cats who will get through only with great difficulty. If they do not die before miserably of hunger, cat flu, FIP, FIV and leukemia. But of cats is even no "danger" from, at least not for humans. That means: There is no need for action. Well, at least everywhere that in welfare circles rumbles: many and more and more organizations say that they are no longer able to be the cat's misery Lord and go to the public in order to sensitize more people. For in addition hesitant politicians there are also still See Nossen, are not aware of their animals neutered and help to increase the misery continues.
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