Quappenaufzucht of Oophagen histrionica the group with artificial diet
The first experiments were modifications the first reported by R. Bechtel and H. Zimmermann yolk diet. Even with countless variations of additives, however, no significant growth of the tadpoles was reached, and most died at an early stage of development. Yolk was obviously much too high in calories to be digested by the tadpoles. Gradually the food was down to small groups varies from egg yolk and complemented by other additions, the consistency was obtained by adding Carbacol gelatinous .
a feed based on fish eggs then has led to success. The food must be cooked but still fresh daily, requires the use of an analytical balance and the procurement of folic acid and iodate is not without problems (for composition see table). This was a uniform and reach over natural breeding only slightly retarded growth. Unfortunately, it has been found that the problems that the artificial rearing are not resolved.
table: Artificial feeding for Oophagen-tadpoles.
fish eggs (1), frozen and crushed in a mortar, 0.8 ml
amino acids (Eialbuminhydrolysat) (2), powdered, 80 mg folic acid
/ iodate solution (3) 50 mu.l
(1) fish eggs frozen (cod), Ruto BV Zeven Huizen, Holland
(2) Egg Amino, Power Food, Wetzikon, Switzerland
(3) Folic acid 0.01 mg / ml plus potassium 0, 5 mg / ml
The tadpoles were placed individually in PE / PP funnels, which were closed with a close pressed PTFE cones and can be plugged into conical plastic frames in plastic tubs, raised (Fig. 1). Here were the siblings of a clutch arranged side by side. Origin and hatched were recorded. It turned out that developmental disorders in the tadpoles always in a Geschwisterreihe gleichförmig und zeitlich eng korreliert auftraten. Das erschien mir äusserst seltsam. Die Störungen waren:
1. Ein Wachstumsstopp, ohne dass die Quappen eingingen: sie frassen weiter, wenn auch geringe Mengen. Das hätte man noch als Folgeerscheinung eines ungeeigneten Futtes werten können.
2. Sie entwickelten Hinterbeine, aber danach stoppte die Entwicklung, es kam keine volle Farbausbildung mehr zustande. Auch in diesem Fall verendeten die Quappen nicht,
sondern blieben einfach stehen. Eine Aufzucht (etwa 140 Quappen) entwickelte komplett keine Vorderbeine (also nicht SLS).
3. Finally, there were tadpoles that reached full development in spite of the shore and not drowned. In normal development of the shore for the little frogs was trouble, you had time to give a plexiglass top of the funnel to prevent leakage between the hopper and the little frogs were during the 2-3 days under this article, extremely agile and nimble alternated between the water and the hopper back and forth.
1: Oophagen-rearing tadpoles in their hoppers in diluted conical cone tea, water changes every 2 hours to feeding.
The young frogs were reared to 12-15 in 60x40x50 cm lush terrarium. They grew very exciting until the 7th-8. Month, the sudden loss without symptoms of illness began. And again it was the siblings, the absence of time in short succession. So the first example, the yellow bull's eye and a few weeks after the red, were somewhat younger.
2: Oophaga histrionica, morph bull `s eye yellow, about 4 months old.
I set the rearing of tadpoles and then decided to to look into the reasons for the losses. My suspicions were genetic disorders. Gene switch with various internal and external triggers are becoming more numerous known. I had read in earlier posts about Dendroboard SLS, which reported a genetic disorder in SLS. So I took the work of Dr Th Woehrmann. Strangely, this was work - although running in Aachen - here actually gone unheeded. Correct After a meeting with Dr Wöhrmann one must indeed some of the indirectly obtained information (which I have played in the post to SLS), a total one, however a genetic Disorder in SLS go.
A further search for improvement of the artificial diet in the hope of better breeding rates to go by is, in my opinion, useless. I expect that to multiple disorders of the inner and / or external environment Ablesestörungen of genetic information and cause significant improvements in nutrition and welfare will be necessary to meet it. A search for "the" cause will not succeed. Only when the basic search for the possible errors one discovers how long this list is and how much got used to it finds. This has certainly not the first successful artificial Quappenaufzucht contributed decisively (E. Kästner: Mistakes have their value, but only now and then, not everyone drives of India, discovered America).
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