The beginning ...
.. is hard, but yes you have to start again. So I started again.
I start just to introduce myself and what you want here.
So my first name is not care. I would like first to remain anonymous. You can call me but Harry. No, my name is not Harry S. Morgan and producing porn. I looked last time nor the romantic comedy "When Harry meet Sally ..." and I was kind of a no other name.
So, I'm Harry, and take any car, but I'm in a right relationship crisis. While I try to deal with my crisis, I realized that we all are in a crisis, or let's say almost all. Almost everyone has stress. Whether it is the relationship with partners, to the job or his financial adviser, who will not allow a further overdraft of the account. We all have many and various crises and must be overcome.
Hm, I just noticed a lot of black?
I think not. Maybe you have the Location to be simply aware only. Maybe you have to simply let all times approaching. Maybe you have to be still endure the odd farmer saying about yourself or perhaps you have simply come to life again. Just enjoy times. It has only one life and uh, no, that is now back in the direction of farmer saying.
But back to my or to your crisis. Have you ever found how simple some solutions are and why the solution does not recognize, although it is so close to the resort? Why exactly, and why can be just as many separate and go their separate ways? Did it not work? Was the sex suddenly bad? Was the beer belly of the man but then too big or become the fabric of women has deteriorated too much? Maybe even the evolution has struck, because according to a scientific research, we can love only about 3 years. After that it is habit. The original idea was that we draw after 3 years on and we continue to grow.
Only it's not easy. Condo, 2 cars and Hülsta living room cabinet must first be broken.
you the glasses, the dishes and then I nor the housing problem.
Anyway, I want to try this blog with some answers or solutions to present. I want to show that we too are men such pigs does not necessarily colloquially as always is claimed. Maybe it will be me at all and I have at least one or the other for a few minutes to think or smile to be related. That would be already something.
I look forward to many words and sentences and who may effusions may want to say one or the other comment.
morning comes the first chapter.
Have fun while reading.
Harry without Sally
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