Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stroke Victims Christmas

Log No. 42 - Neil Donald Walsch

Kißlegg, 23.09.2009, seminar center ray of sunshine.
I had gotten up extra early, more precisely, to clock 04.30. Departure an hour later to a 5-day workshop with Neile Donald Walsch, author of "Conversations with God" trilogy.

arrival 07.30 clock. The hotel reception was open and gave me even now the key to the simply furnished rooms. On the wall above the bed a night bell to call the nurse can. Today I would probably wait forever on the lace. This was once a hospital. Total outdated equipment. But a total of ideological Plant. Room for this equipment, although vegetarian meals, too high. Around 80 EUR per night. Drinks extra. The 5-day seminar costs 749 EUR Walsch. I cherish the vague hope that I can Walsch exclusive interview for the movie. I stand point 08.00 clock before the big front door of the seminar room "pyramid". 2 men in undercover agents blue lament. You want to clean. To secure the best seats. First, it says no, but will be open half an hour later. The two men, although belonging together push themselves away from each other to squeeze through the door and ran to the front to back the supposedly best place.
The bright room is friendly and filled with good energy. Should take about 300 people. However, seating for about 120 people. Left Hand built great technology. 2 professional cameras, editing computer, amplifier, mixer, lots of radio microphones. On the walls, large pyramid of motives Leyendecker in the original. In front the stage. Then a bright sofa. Before, a stone Buddha. Behind the Sofa giant screen with logo flag of the organizer "cultus animi."
I too secure a seat in the front row, diagonally links.Dann side I go to the restaurant. Breakfast take. In the airy conservatory-round I sit on one of the last free spaces in a lively and happy group of men be discussed hineinplatzend.
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. A doctor who works together with a healer, a retired pastor and current orator, an esoteric bookshop owner from the Eifel and myself to be an inseparable Dream Team during the next few days. The "Rat Pack" had found each other.

Then came `s going on. Christian Möritz, event leader, welcomed the attendees who had come together from all parts of Germany and other European countries. The interpreter took his place beside the sofa and then, Neil the stage, accompanied by his new wife, "Em", probably the Indian Ancestors originated from.
each morning and after lunch we made happy 'Em, "her label" poet ", with self-written lyrical, spiritual poems, which she presented skillfully professional.
Neil Donald Walsch was in jovial and natural. The course of the next day was always the same. Walsh admitted that the question time from the audience always a lot of room before he moved to his own philosophies. Basically there was not a fundamentally new insights that had not already known from his books.
Yet he managed to captivate his audience. I had over the next 5 days to provide the opportunity for three public questions He answered very thoroughly and very wise.
The exact wording of his answers to my questions, which are also part of my interview questions for the movie, I will play in one of the following logs as soon as I got from the DVD recording of the film production company, DVD-knowledge found the relevant passages and depreciated. Unfortunately, I got
no opportunity for an exclusive interview. Walsch was in principle open to the interview, but I should clarify to his request with his office in the United States. However, it was already Friday afternoon, the time difference came to my email was immediately sent out until Monday a positive response. However, since the seminar had ended. So what. Then it should be.
I did remember the wonderful quality time with new friends.
"Dat wor ne Superjeile Zick." - Would say now in Cologne.
Sincerely your Wolfgang


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